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Magical Food - Cabbage


(Brassica oleracea/var.)

A white, green or purple leafy vegetable that comes in all sorts of varieties, good sliced raw or cooked…but not boiled to death because apart from making the house smell horrid it tastes like last week’s laundry.

The cabbage is supposedly one of the oldest foods known to man.

Eating cabbage will help stimulate your base chakra.

Medieval folklore suggests that newlyweds were given cabbage soup the first day into their marriage to ensure that their love stayed strong…not much of a honeymoon feast!

Cabbage is also said to be a powerful bringer of fertility…you have been warned…watch out for those cabbage patch babies…

Irish folklore says that blindfolded girls were sent out to pull up the first cabbage they could find, if there was a lot of soil around the root then they would marry a wealthy man unfortunately if the root was free from soil they would wed a poor man. The taste of the cabbage would also predict the disposition of their husband to be – sweet or sour…I am not sure what it meant if the cabbage had a caterpillar in it…

Cabbage is a brilliant food to use on the full moon and also eat for personal protection.

Cook cabbage and eat to bring prosperity your way.

Cabbage Magical Properties:

Moon magic, protection, prosperity, fertility, love

Ruling planet – Moon

Element – Water

Gender – Feminine

From A Kitchen Witch's World of Magic Food by Rachel Patterson


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