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Faery Mid Summer Ritual

by Rachel Patterson and Tracey Roberts

Walk the circle deosil whilst blowing bubbles… Says: With faery magic from King and Queen Faerie footsteps to create a dream This circle is cast to open the realm between the worlds So mote it be! Invite the elements: We call upon the Elemental Gnomes, To bring us their stability and might To join us from the earth in this rite Blessed be! We call upon the Elemental Sylphs To bring us their intellect and insight To join us from the air in this rite Blessed be! We call upon the Elemental Salamanders To bring us their passion and fiery light To join us from the flames of fire in this rite Blessed be! We call upon the Elemental Undines To bring us their intuition and emotional sight To join us from the watery depths in this rite Blessed be! Invite deity: Come join us faery Queen Let us dance and circle around Queen Mab with your magical insight We invite you onto sacred faery ground Come join us on this night Faery blessings and welcome! Come join us faery King Let us laugh and chant King Oberon with your magical ways We invite you onto sacred faery ground Come join us, come and play Faery blessings and welcome! Smudge the circle. This is summers height, midsummer, the longest day and the shortest night of the Earth’s solar year. Here we celebrate the completion of the cycle that began at the winter solstice. Solstice means ‘standing of the sun’ and we can take a moment to stop, be still and look back at our own unique journey since the winter solstice. By celebrating our achievements and acknowledging our failures we can make sense of our actions and understand what we can learn from them. In the past the summer solstice was an important occasion. People stayed up all night to watch the sun come up at dawn and many people still follow this tradition. Midsummer’s eve and midsummer’s day were traditionally the time for carnivals and processions. Summer solstice is the time to count our blessings, to celebrate our achievements and our ever changing selves. It is a time to celebrate each other and to be the embodiment of goodwill and positive energy. Meeting the tree spirits meditation: If you are outside and near a tree go and sit underneath it. Focus on your breathing, taking deep breathes in and out… Visualise a tree before you, it might be one that stands around in your area or it might be one you are familiar with, the choice is yours. Its shadow extends toward you, but doesn’t quite touch you. See it standing strong and full. Feel the grass beneath you and the fresh air around you. The sunlight penetrates the branches of the tree and casts a soft haze around you. As you look around you see that you are in a small glen frequented by flower faeries and tree spirits. In the distance is a high mountain. This is a sanctuary, a place where the real and the imagined meet. It is the intersection of the mortal world and the faerie realm. The tree stands strong in the midst of the grove. As you look upon it you see its simple beauty and strength. With that thought a soft breeze passes through, rustling the leaves in response. And for a moment you are sure the leaves rustled your name. You gaze upon the tree and see shadows and movements – tiny flickering – along the branches and at its base. At first you think it must be squirrels or birds but you are unable to see them. As you take in the entire sight of this tree, the lines in the bark begin to change and shift. You can see soft gentle eyes peering out from the bark. You are no longer watching the tree; you are being watched by it. There is a shadowy movement and a form steps out from the tree itself to stand in its own shadow. It shimmers and shifts with incredible beauty. Around it flicker several tiny lights and you know they must be faeries. Peering around from behind it, you see a tiny elfin face, shy but curious. Then the spirit speaks your name. The leaves of the tree rustle again. As you look upon this being, pay attention to what you experience. Are there specific colours? Fragrances? Do you feel a touch or tingle on any part of the body? Is this tree spirit male of female? Remember that those of the faerie realm will often use a form they think you expect. It begins to talk softly to you. It speaks of its purpose and what knowledge it holds. It tells you its role in nature and what role it could serve in your own life. It tells you of the mystery of the tree, and why this one is so important to you. See this as a conversation between you and the tree. Don’t force it. Let the communication flow naturally. Let this being tell you about itself. Let it tell you why it wants to work with you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The leaves rustle with a singing sound as this being speaks. You may see birds and other wildlife start to gather around you, these will be signs of greeting in the future. The tree being holds its palms upward, and the shadow of the tree extends further outward, until you are encompassed by it. You feel the shadow, it brings love, protection and promise. And then the shadow withdraws. As the shadow recedes the eyes of the tree spirit hold yours until the spirit is drawn back into the heart of the tree. You can see its form within the natural configuration of the tree itself and know that you will forever recognise it from this day forth. The leaves rustle once more, whispering your name and then they are still. You remember all that you were told. Slowly, gently come back to this reality, shake your arms and legs and wriggle your fingers and toes. Feasting – fairy cakes obviously… Thank deity: King of the Faeries, blessed was your presence in this rite May you now return to Elphame until we meet again Blessed be Queen of the Faeries, blessed was your presence in this rite May you now return to Elphame until we meet again Blessed be Release the elements: Guardians of the west, undines of the water We give blessings for your presence here today May you now return to your realms Blessed be Guardians of the south, salamanders of fire We give blessings for your presence here today May you now return to your realms Blessed be Guardians of the east, sylphs of air We give blessings for your presence here today May you now return to your realms Blessed be Guardians of the north, gnomes of the earth We give blessings for your presence here today May you now return to your realms Blessed be Walk the circle widdershins. We thank the Faerie Queen and King, we thank the Elementals and the Fae, and all of you here today. This circle is open but never broken, merry meet, merry part, merry meet again.

Taken from The Art of Ritual book by Rachel Patterson


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