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Book Review: Menopause: a Natural and Spiritual Journey

I am about two years into my peri menopause/menopause journey and to be honest I have tried everything 'over the counter, holistic and herbal' I can think of to ease the symptoms but nothing much has worked.

Then last week I had the thought that there must be a spiritual angle, then I remembered about Colette Brown's book - 'Menopause: a natural and spiritual journey'. It was published in 2012 but I didn't really take much notice back then as I wasn't having any issues myself at the time. So I downloaded it to my Kindle on Friday...and read it cover to cover in one sitting. I then ordered the paperback copy because I am going to work through it properly and I prefer to do that from a 'real' book.

When I had finished reading, it was as if a light bulb had been switched on and was followed by a huge flood of relief that someone else had experienced what I was going through and had come out the other side relatively unscathed. This book is going to be my life saver, I just know it.

Colette takes you through her very own personal journey and I found myself nodding the whole way through - "yep I have that, yep I feel that, yep that's happening to me". But then she provides the reader with the framework and structure to deal with each symptom and issue from a spiritual perspective. I say framework because she shows you how she dealt with it from her shamanic perspective but encourages you to make it your own. There are meditation and mantra suggestions and the idea to find your own goddess to work through it all with.

I cannot tell you how relieved and happy I am to have remembered about this little gem, I haven't even started working with it properly yet but already I am feeling better!

You can find out more about Colette from her website

I can also recommend her book 'Maybe the universe isn't just that into you' which is a very good read.


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