I have a couple of books still to be published this year:
They are available for pre-order from the usual places and I will do online book launches for both too. I have also just received the news that Candle Magic will be translated into Portuguese, which is fantastic!
Stringfellows - Another random memory from my distant past, somewhere circa late 90s.
I worked for a consumer electronics company as Personal Assistant to the MD (actually 31 years later I still work for the same chap, but in a different company). We would stay in the Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane London twice a year and held shows of our new product for our retail buyers. These were the days when you wined and dined customers, which we did every night for a week. I got to stay in a fabulously posh hotel where the staff called me ma’am and someone came in to my hotel room each evening to ‘turn down’ the bed covers. It also meant I got to eat in some of the most expensive restaurants in London, we visited most of the ‘big name’ ones, and I can tell you not all of them were great. However, one evening we happened to have an all male group of buyers, so after the meal my boss suggested we visit the Stringfellows nightclub. He took me aside and said that one of the sales directors would accompany me back to the hotel. I protested strongly! I didn’t want to be left out and insisted I accompany them to Stringfellows, he relented. The taxi dropped us outside the nightclub and as we entered one of the security guards (in my day they were called bouncers) stopped me and very politely said to me “madam you do realise there will be naked ladies inside don’t you?” I laughed and I think my reply was something along the lines of “I hope so!”.

I just wanted to go to see what all the fuss was about and I will be honest, it was amazing. The music was all 80s rock, the décor was fabulous and the atmosphere was brilliant. Although I was slightly out numbered as one of the only women in there fully dressed, at no point did I ever feel uncomfortable. I sat at the bar and just soaked up the atmosphere and took it all in, one of the most amazing experiences. At one point I visited the ladies room and met a couple of the dancers in there. They were so nice and friendly, chatting away to me. The girls that worked there earnt a very decent amount of money, the rules were strict and they were very well looked after (no touching etc.). Super fit, very lovely ladies who knew their craft and how to walk on ridiculously high heels!
If you don’t know the history, Stringfellows began life in 1980 and was opened by Peter Stringfellow. He was known as ‘The King of Clubs’. Originally the club was a disco and restaurant, but in the mid 90s strip acts were added to the show.
This week in England the weather has turned. For the past couple of weeks we had a mini heat wave with near record temperatures for September. Now the weather is most definitely autumnal and I welcome it. Autumn and winter are my favourite seasons. For me it is important to connect with the energy of each month, in fact I do so on a daily basis as it changes so often!

This week I did find treasures scattered on the pavement in the form of horse chestnuts. Some had been squashed by feet and those in the road were squished by cars, but I picked up a pocket full of shiny beauties. Sadly I don’t think children today would even given them a second look.
This is a pivotal point of the year, one where we can stop for a moment and look at what has gone before and what is still to come. A time where we can make adjustments and changes to transition where needed. Embrace it!
Writing this week has included an article for the Moon Books, Moonscape online magazine and was all about The Cailleach. She disappears into the shadows during the summer months, for me anyway. But now I am starting to feel her energy as I welcome her back to walk with me over the dark half of the year. Often I work a ‘welcome’ ritual at the end of September/beginning of October to recognise her presence once again, which I will do at some point in the next couple of weeks. My altar will be cleared and re-dressed in her honour too.
The Hedge Witch book manuscript stands at just under 19,000 words currently, a way to go yet but I like how it is shaping up.
Join me on my Wednesday morning chats if you are free, replays are on my author fb page and my YT channel.
You can also find me on this blog and on social media. If you think I can help with anything please do reach out. We are all part of a community and it is an honour to be here with you and to support each other.
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Kitchen Witch sponsor two daxies via the Red Foundation dachshund rescue - https://theredfoundation.net/