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Live Session: Chris Allaun

As part of the Moon Books Live Sessions, this week featured a talk from the author Chris Allaun.

Chris Allaun has been studying witchcraft, magick, and paganism since 1992. He is one of the founders and an ordained minister with The Fellowship of the Phoenix. He has been an initiate of Traditional Witchcraft since 2002 and the OTO since 2004. He also carries the chanupa, the sacred pipe, and studies that path of the Red Road. He teaches classes and workshops on magick, healing, shamanism, and necromancy. He has been teaching and writing for many years.

Chris is the author of Underworld: Shamanism, Myth, and Magick, Deeper Into The Underworld: Death, Ancestors, and Magical Rites, and Upperworld: Shamanism and Magick of the Celestial Realms. He continues to study and teach the magickal arts to those who seek to balance the three worlds in their own lives.

Chris Allaun can be found on Facebook:

Chris Allaun: Author. Teacher. Healer Twitter @chris_allaun instagram: chrisallaun

He has been interviewed on many podcast including: Lunatic Mondays, Chicago Pagan Podcast, The Brew Podcast, Walking The Unnamed Path. He has also been on Magick Radio several times.

Catch the replay by clicking the link below:

His new book

Otherworld: Ecstatic Witchcraft for the Spirits of the Land is about establishing relationships with the spirits of the land. Many books talk about Faeries, but this book not only teaches about the Elves and Faery folk, but also how to have a working relationship with the spirits of plants, animals, and the land itself. Otherworld also teaches how to perform animal magick including shapeshifting for magick, healing, and establishing a deeper connection with animal spirits and discusses ecstatic trance techniques that will help practitioners work with the land spirits in a deep and profound way.

Rachel Patterson, author of Witchcraft into the Wilds and the Kitchen Witchcraft series 

Chris Allaun presents a wonderful book that taps directly into a subject that is very close to my heart and my own magical practices. This is all about working directly with source magic from the land. He covers some interesting angles and shares his obvious experience and practical knowledge. A fascinating read.


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