There are some good eco friendly washing up liquids out there but they all involve plastic bottles of some sort. Then I stumbled upon 'dish wash soap' and thought I would give it a try.
It looks and feels like an ordinary bar of soap.
Fill your sink with water, rub a dish cloth or brush over the bar to coat with your desired amount. Clean your dishes as usual and rinse well.
For stains: wet the stain and wet the end of the bar. Rub the stain with the bar and then add the item to your laundry load and wash as usual.
You can also use the bar to clean surfaces: Rub a warm, wet sponge or cloth over the bar and wipe surfaces, before rinsing away with water.
Bonus: It is eco friendly, won't damage the eco system once it goes down the drain, is plant based and won't dry out the skin on your hands. It also cleans as well as any liquid I have used.
I am absolutely impressed!
I have found it easier to just drop the bar into the bowl of hot water for a few seconds before you do the washing up as it allows the soap to infuse the water.
It cleans brilliantly, glass is shiny, and the pots and pans are sparkling.
Full marks for this eco friendly option!
I tested dish wash bars from two different places I found on etsy, both were equally as good.