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Wyldwood 7th Anniversary Show

Yesterday I had an incredibly fabulous evening with some of the Wyldwood Radio team: Herne, Jo, Alex, Rene and Antoinette.

We were recording for the Wyldwood 7th Anniversary Show that will air this

Saturday - 6th October 2018 at 6pm (GMT).

It will include lots of interesting discussions and chat about our personal pathways, insights into our journeys, favourite Pagan bands and festivals, my favourite choice of biscuit (which is obviously very important information to know about, should you ever need to bribe me) and of course some fantastic music choices. We all got to pick our favourite pagan song/band - you will be hearing a Spriggan Mist track from me...and from Alex as we shared, coz we both wanted them!

Wyldwood is such an amazing radio station, run by pagan...for pagans.

Wyldwood Radio is an international Pagan radio station streaming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, worldwide.

You will also find a new blog up on the Wyldwood website with posts from the host and all round boss man, Herne Wyldwood and a new blogger to their

The site also includes reviews of books and music and interviews with artists and authors.

There are lots of exciting future plans for Wyldwood and I am extremely excited to be a part of the team, keep an eye out...and an ear of course.


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