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A Witch's Garden: Foxglove

Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

A biennial plant with tall flower spikes covered in bell shaped flowers in shades of white, pink and purple. Beautiful graceful flowers that the bees adore, grow them in your garden for protection and you will also find them growing in the wild at the entrance to faery mounds. Foxglove is poisonous…do not ingest. I think foxglove works very well in stopping gossip spells and ‘keeping away the poison’ that comes with rumour and tittle tattle. Use foxglove leaves in workings to attract the help and assistance of the Fae…be careful though…they can be pesky little beggars! (the Fae…not foxgloves). Foxglove is a plant of the underworld so works very well for divination and visionary workings. Foxglove Magical Properties: Protection, gossip, faeries, divination

Ruling planet – Venus, Saturn Element – Water Gender – Feminine

From: A Kitchen Witch's World of Magical Plants & Herbs


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