October has been a busy month (and not just because of Samhain and my birthday) – I had the absolute honour and pleasure of giving a talk to a full house at Witchfest in Brighton last month. This is a fantastic event and my thanks go to all those that organise it and to everyone that turned up to listen to my waffle.

The weather is most definitely autumnal and the leaves are showing their beautiful colours, although to be honest it is wet and soggy here in the UK today.
Top 50 pagan blogs
I was added to a top 50 pagan blogs list along with some of my fellow Moon Books authors and Witches & Pagans (that I write a regular blog for), see the list here... https://blog.feedspot.com/pagan_blogs/
Lots of blog posts happened in October…
Beneath the Moon: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/beneaththemoon/
On my Beneath the moon blog at Patheos Pagan you will find posts on: Super witch or stressed witch, A Kitchen Witch's Samhain, A Samhain meditation and my Samhain incense habits.
Hedge Witch…into the Wilds: http://witchesandpagans.com/pagan-paths-blogs/hedge-witch.html
Over on my Hedge Witch blog at Witches and Pagans I wrote about magical pumpkins.
Tansy’s Tome: tansyfiredragon.blogspot.co.uk
On my personal blog I have a whole week's worth of blogs dedicated to working with the goddess The Cailleach (taken from my book Pagan Portals The Cailleach) and details of my Ghostly Tales appearance with Spriggan Mist.
NOTE: My personal blog has moved to a new home: HERE http://www.rachelpatterson.co.uk/blog
Kitchen Witch: http://kitchenwitchuk.blogspot.co.uk/
The Kitchen Witch blog has some fabulous posts from the Hearth Guardian team - lots of ideas and suggestions for working with the energy of October, hop on over and take a look including details of a Dumb Supper.
Up coming events…
Ghostly Tales:
On Saturday 11th November I will be telling a ghostly tale or two (although I have my own special spin on it…) at the Spriggan Mist Ghostly Tales event come join us for an evening of shenanigans.
Not til next year but just a heads up…
Book Launch
General Kitchen Witch shenanigans...
Saturday 24th February 2018 12 noon to 2pm followed by a ritual (2pmish to 3.30pm).
Come along and take a peek inside the lovely Sundance shop. Meet and chat with the Kitchen Witch posse Join us for cake. Create your own herbal smudge stick (free to all vistors). I will be signing copies of my latest book 'Witchcraft into the wilds'. Paul and Lyn Thurman will be available at Sundance for tarot readings (please book in advance and call for prices). Weather permitting at 2pm (ish) we will hold an open ritual on the beach below the pier - everyone welcome.
Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/123395541702290/
Whatever you are doing in November have fun!