I have been asked how I came to write my first book Pagan Portals Kitchen Witchcraft so here is the little story...are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin...
Back in 2012 I was following a publisher, Moon Books on facebook mainly because they occasionally asked for volunteers to read and review some of their books and I love doing that! Then one day they asked for suggestions for their new series of Pagan Portals books. As my pathway was already very much that of a Kitchen Witch I suggested Kitchen Witchcraft...and was asked if I would like to write a proposal to write the book...eeep!
There followed a long moment of panic, self doubt, disbelief and arguing with my inner voice...(this still happens all the time).
I had written lessons for the Kitchen Witch School and several magazine articles so I wasn't a complete novice at writing but had never even considered writing a book before. However, I sat down and I wrote...and wrote...and then I read it through again and again and again before I finally sent it in. You cannot believe the feeling that I got when the proposal was accepted. What I had actually done was write the entire book for the proposal, something I don't usually do now but I did for that first book.
Receiving a contract was the next step and I was on top of the world. Then came the proof reading before I submitted it to be copy edited by Moon Books. I must admit I find proof reading the worst part, it is totally boring snoring, but a necessity.
And then the cover came in from Moon Books and I was delighted that it had a toad on the cover!
But that isn't the end, particularly if you want your book to sell, you need to start marketing and promoting. I used social media as much as possible and I even organised a little book launch party at a local cafe, which I am pleased to say was a resounding success.
Finally on 22nd February 2013 the book was released and I was overwhelmed at the success, it became an Amazon Number 1 best seller fairly quickly and somewhere around the beginning of 2015 it became an official 'best seller' by topping 5000 books sold. Today it has sold over 8000 copies and still sells steadily - something that I am and always will be eternally grateful for.
Thank you to everyone that has purchased a copy and a big thank you to the Editor at Moon Books who gave me the opportunity and opened up a whole box of tricks...