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Book Review: A Grimoire for Modern Cunning Folk

This book was mentioned in another text I was reading and I was drawn to purchase it. It was a good purchase!

A Grimoire for Modern Cunning Folk: A Practical Guide to Witchcraft on the Crooked Path by Peter Padon

The official blurb reads:

A practical manual of Traditional non-Wiccan Witchcraft. While there are a lot of texts that cover advanced and academic subjects of interest to traditional Crafters, all of the introductory books tend to focus on Wicca... until now. In this Book Peter Paddon - Magister of Briar Rose and host of the popular Crooked Path podcast - covers his particular path of Witchcraft from scratch. He goes over the basics of his personal Path, along with examples of alternatives from other traditions, covering philosophy, lore and practical techniques. The Crooked Path is a way of Crafting based on experiencing the Mysteries of Ancestors and the Sacred Landscape first-hand, and Peter guides the seeker through the basics with competence and humor.

I was drawn in from the first page. For someone that is always interested to learn about non Wiccan traditions and ways of working, this book has provided me with so many other avenues to investigate.

Each chapter provided me with several 'aha' moments.

As I read I also jotted down a whole load of notes for things to work with and try out, working them into my own personal practice. I will need to tweak some things as I don't particularly work with the Welsh deities as Paddon does, but he encourages the reader to make it their own.

Loved it!


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