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Kitchen Witch: What's On in September?

Kitchen Witch

What’s On in September

(All times BST/UK)

Open to all, every event is free:

Shooting the Wild Witch Breeze with Rachel & Elen

Thursday 9th September

Thursday 23rd September

Friday Magic talk (live) with Rachel Patterson

Friday 3rd September

Friday 10th September

Friday 17th September

Friday 24th September

Kitchen Witch Autumn Equinox Ritual, Live, Online

Sunday 26th September

Guided Meditation

Wednesday 15th September

Waxing Moon Ritual, online

Saturday 11th September

For Kitchen Witch Subscription Students Only:

Distant Reiki with Gypsy

TBC, keep an eye on the fb group

Student Lesson Workshop (live) – Deity

Saturday 2nd October


Sat 11th September Rachel and the Kitchen Witch posse will be running a Sun Magic workshop at the Sussex Faerie Festival


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