You asked us, so we have continued with the online live chats and Q/A sessions
Here are some more for you to enjoy - join in the fun!
Friday Magic - Join me (Rachel Patterson) for a live chat/Q&A and general shenanigans every Friday morning 9am BST on my facebook author page
Lughnasadh Ritual - open to everyone, hosted in the Kitchen Witch facebook group
Sunday 2nd August - 4pm BST
The Moon Books Live Sessions - Moon Books will be hosting weekly live talks/Q&A's led by a whole bibliography of authors.
every Wednesday - 7pm BST
The Waffling Witches present...a live workshop/Q&A focused on herbal magic -Sunday 6th September 2020 at 10am British Summer Time
Curative Magic - To celebrate the publication of my new book Curative Magic, I will be hosting a live talk/Q&A session including a book giveaway on my facebook author page.
Sunday 23rd August 2020 - 4pm UK time
Autumn Equinox Ritual - open to everyone, hosted in the KW facebook group
Sunday 20th September - 7pm BST
We will be hosting a live Q&A in the private student facebook group
Sunday 16th August, 4pm (UK time)
