Imbolc Ritual - written by Sue Perryman (taken from The Art of Ritual book)
My lovely friend and Kitchen Witch Hearth Guardian, Sue wrote this Imbolc ritual to include in my book The Art of Ritual.

Decorate your altar with symbols of Imbolc: Pots of early spring flowers such as snowdrops, crocus, daffodils etc. Brighid's cross, lots of candles and a cauldron together with a drink of wine, milk or juice and something to eat (biscuit, cake).
Colours: White, orange and red.
Incense: Frankincense, rosemary, myrrh or cinnamon.
You will also need a small plant pot, some compost and a few seeds of your choice and a small jug of water and a pen and small square of paper. It is a good idea to have a small bowl of water and a small towel to wash and dry your hands with too.
Light the candles and incense and sit before you altar for a few minutes thinking about the meaning of Imbolc, your life and plans for the future.
Ground and centre.
Sweep the circle.
Walk around the circle three times repeating the chant below or one of your own while directing the energy with whatever tool you usually use to cast a circle (wand, athame, sword, finger).
From the deep dark forests
To the oceans and the seas
From the parched arid deserts
To the wind blowing free
Protect this circle so mote it be.
Face the east and say:
Spirits of the East
You bring the fresh spring breezes, and the strength of the hurricane
You are spring, new beginnings, intellect and our thoughts
I ask you to watch over me and lend me your energies for my circle this day
Hail and Welcome
Face the South and say:
Spirits of the South
You bring warming fire to our hearths, and the rage of the volcano
You are summer, passion and energy
I ask you to watch over me and lend me your energies for my circle this day
Hail and Welcome.
Face the West and say:
Spirits of the West
You bring the cleansing rains and the ebb and flow of the tides
You are autumn, healing and our emotions and dreams
I ask that you watch over me and lend me your energies for my circle this day
Hail and Welcome.
Face the North and say:
Spirits of the North
You are the fertile soil and the planet Earth, our home
You are winter, stability and fertility
I ask that you watch over me and lend me your energies for my circle this day
Hail and Welcome.
Face your altar and say:
Brighid of the healing waters and sacred flame
I call you and your consort, the Lord of the Wild
To join me in my Imbolc ritual if you will
And to watch over and protect me
Hail and Welcome.
Smudge yourself and your circle with the incense then stand again before your altar and say or read to yourself:
Imbolc is also known as Candlemass or Brigid’s day (pronounced Breed). It is one of the Celtic fire festivals and celebrates the very first signs of spring. Snowdrops and Crocuses rear their heads above the frozen ground and below in the dark earth other plants are stirring. The first lambs are born at this time of year and the most common explanation of Imbolc is 'in the belly' which refers to the pregnant ewes.
At Imbolc the goddess returns as maiden and the god who was born at Yule is now a young man. Imbolc is the time of year for purification, re-birth and new beginnings. It is the festival of Brigid. She is a goddess of healing, poetry and the hearth, childbirth and smith craft and is associated with fire, springs and wells.
Think about what goal you would like to bring into your life and write it on the square of paper, fold it in half and put it into the bottom of the plant pot. Fill almost to the top with compost. Hold a couple of seeds in your hands and visualise yourself achieving you goal and charge the seeds with your dream. Gently push the seeds just under a thin layer of compost and water them lightly. As the seed grows so will your goal. Don’t read anything into it if it doesn't grow it can happen for a variety of reasons and doesn't mean you won’t achieve your goal eventually.
Eat and drink saving a small portion of both as an offering to the deities/ spirits.
When you are ready face the North and say:
Spirits of North, thank you for watching over me and lending me your energies.
Hail and Farewell.
Turn to the West and say:
Spirits of the West, thank you for watching over me and lending me your energies.
Hail and farewell.
Turn to the South and say:
Spirits of the South, thank you for watching over me and lending me your energies.
Hail and farewell.
Turn to the East and say:
Spirits of the East, thank you for watching over me and lending me your energies.
Hail and Farewell.
Turn to your altar and say:
Brigid and the Lord of the wild.
I thank you for joining with me for my Imbolc ritual and for watching over and protecting me. Stay if you will, go if you must.
Walk widdershins around the circle repeating:
The circle is open but never broken.
Ground and don’t forget to take your offering outside for the deities/spirits.