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The wild witch is released today!

I had been wanting to write this book for some time but other things got in the way, as always happens. Slowly I began to gather material together, writing down pieces here and there as I worked with the turning of the seasons. And yep that is me on the cover!

This is my kind of magic, how I work with Mother Nature and her magical offerings.

Take a wild witchcraft journey with me...

Because the book is published today!

Witchcraft into the Wilds:

"A book that leads us through the wilds of nature and back to the roots and bones of witchcraft, a natural witchcraft that works with the seasons and all the natural items that Mother Nature provides drawing on magical folk lore and a little bit of gypsy magic too. No fancy schmany tools or ceremonial rituals, this is about working with the source. Mother Earth provides us with the changing of the seasons and within that turning of the year she gives us everything we need to work magic with from natural energy in the form of storms, rain and sunshine to tangible items packed full of magical energy such as seeds, leaves and stones."

Available from all good online stockists (although both Amazon and The Book Depository have it on discount at the moment). Click here for a list of stockists.


Whether you are experienced in the ways of the Craft, new, or somewhere in between, Rachel Patterson’s Witchcraft into the Wilds is for you! If you are a regular reader of Patterson’s works, you know that her style is very personable, presenting her ideas in a very conversational, approachable manner, and this volume is no exception. She does not take a prescriptive approach to sharing her knowledge, but instead presents her suggestions in a way that encourages the reader to trust in her or his own intuition. This book is packed full of wonderful, practical information, ideas, and suggestions that will help the reader make stronger connections to all that nature has to offer the practicing Pagan. Another feature of this book that I truly appreciate is that Patterson has made it interactive with the reader, offering journal prompts throughout the chapters that encourage the reader to explore her or his thoughts about information in the book while reading it, but also to continue the journaling throughout their personal journey with the Craft. If you are drawn to working more with nature, or you are interested in learning more about nature’s role in magic, this is a must-have book for your collection - P Chamness Miller


If you want to know which magical book I have read recently that totally resonated with me - Witchcraft...Into the Wilds is it. The book is by Rachel Patterson, who is most famous for her books on kitchen witchcraft. Now, while I think her earlier books are great, my personal sense of tapping into magic comes more from experiencing nature than from stirring up witchy brews. Nature is all around us, whether we are out in unspoilt wilderness, sitting in a park or even just observing the wild flowers growing in the verges beside a pavement. As Rachel says: "You can tap into the energy from any place and each area or location will have its own unique energy. Forests, ponds, parks, streets, seashores and even city centres will all have that magical energy – it is just a case of plugging yourself into the source." Witchcraft...Into the Wilds is perfect for solitary practitioners, especially those who are either new to the craft or who are moving away from a very formal witchcraft tradition or coven. Rachel starts by recommending keeping a journal. That's something I heartily agree with. This very blog was started by me both as a record of my craft as a witch and an incentive to keep going. The book covers a huge range of practical magic including working with the energy of the seasons, ethical wildcrafting, using found objects, understanding symbols in nature, working with the weather and elements, and natural divination. There are spells you can try, rituals you can perform and even a guide to hedge riding (the witchy term for shamanic journeying).

witchcraft into the wilds rachel patterson

Paaarty! If you are in the area on Saturday (24th February 2018) we are having a book launch party at The Sundance shop on South Parade Pier, Southsea, Hampshire, UK. 12 til 2pm. Followed by an open ritual on the beach. There will be cake... For full details


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