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Review: Eunoia Crystal Box

I have been looking at monthly subscription boxes but specifically crystal only ones. (See my Review section for Witchy subscription boxes). It seems they are quite rare...

However I did find this one on etsy from Eunoia Crystals.

You can order one box or sign up for two, three or four months.

You can also select whether you would like a selection of items (to include crystals but also things like incense) or just crystals.

I selected 'just crystals'. The price for one box is £12 plus £5 postage, so a total of £17.

The parcel arrived within 2 days and was nicely packaged.

The crystals all came within a hessian bag.

I received:

  • A chakra bracelet, although I am not sure what all the crystals are, and the orange ones do appear to be manmade - it is very pretty.

  • A piece of rough tiger's eye (2cm x 3cm)

  • A turquenite tumble stone (2cm x 2.5cm)

  • A green aventurine tumble stone (2cm x 3cm)

  • A small aventurine tumble stone (1.5cm x 2,5cm)

  • A piece of rough aragonite (4cm x 3cm)

  • A rhodonite point necklace

The bracelet I will wear, but the necklace I won't, the point will be used in crystal magic.

The tumble stones are useful, although I already have most of them - the turquenite will fill a gap in my collection though.

There was a small hand written list on the back of the business card that came with it, but it was only my knowledge of crystals that allowed me to identify the loose crystals - If I was new or inexperienced working with crystals I wouldn't have known which was which.

Value for money - you definitely get your money's worth - the individual costs add up to far more than the total cost paid.

I would have preferred just crystals rather than the jewellery, but that's just my personal preference.

A nice parcel, with some pretty pieces and value for money.


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