On the sixteenth day of Yule the Goddess gave to me... The Devil
Losing independence, addiction and enslavement, caught up in the material, overindulgement, choosing to stay in the dark, pleasures, lust, and desire. 16th December Yep...it's the Devil...but don't be scared... He is a pesky little so and so but we all have our dark sides, we have to have that to balance with the light. Sometimes we get caught up in destructive cycles, we may end up in friendships that are unhealthy for us or situations that are no good, it does happen, we are human after all. This is about setting yourself free and gaining or should I say RE-gaining your independence, take back control and your own power. Candle spell for independence We are going to use the power of the four elements for this one: Earth for stability and grounding Air for intellect and intuition Fire for passion and energy Water for control of emotions You get to make more decisions with this spell... You can either use one plain white candle in the middle and have four items to represent the elements (for example a pebble for Earth, a feather for Air, a red crystal for Fire and a shell for Water) OR you can have four candles each one a different colour to represent each element (for example green for Earth, yellow for Air, red for Fire and blue for Water). Be creative and have fun with it.
Sit in front of the candle/s and items. If you have four candles light each one individually or if you have four items light the white candle first and then hold each item individually. Take it in turn and focus on each element, starting with Earth. Ask each element what they will bring to you and your life, what postive energy they will add to bring about your independence. Visualise each element filling your body and soul with their energies. Allow the candle/s to burn out safely. If you used items such as pebbles and shells you could pop them into a small pouch and carry them in your bag or pocket for added energy. The tarot deck used is Shadowscapes by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law & Barbara Moore www.shadowscapes.com