I am very pleased to introduce to you, a new book from Natalia Clarke - Intuitive Magical Practice:
You are the master of your own spiritual path. It is a joyous process to begin gathering things together into a magical practice that comes from inside of you.
I believe that your inner voice and your emotions are the two best navigating systems that you can use to guide you through life situations. My mission statement has been Remember Who You Are. I have been living my life completely intuitively in every area for many years and it has been something that anchors me in my experiences and self-knowledge. Connecting to your intuitive and working with it creatively and authentically is a magical experience.
If you are on a spiritual path and, perhaps, finding it challenging to pinpoint what your path is, I suggest you remain open, patient and take it as a life-long commitment to finding your own way while connecting to parts or aspects of whatever spiritual paths you become aware of while searching, researching and experimenting. Invite information and experience in and allow your intuition to transmit it to you and direct you towards what makes your soul sing.
Whatever practice surfaces for you, remember that things most likely will evolve over time, as your energy and life experience change and as you get more confident in using yourself as the main tool for your practice. Intuition will be you best guiding tool while you are searching and especially as you are starting out. You are not lost; you are collecting parts of yourself that might have been hidden. You are resurrecting your own experience of spirit the way it had always been within you.
- Would you like to live your life in a magical, unique, and meaningful way?
- Would you like to reclaim your voice that has been silenced?
- Do you feel you have a lot of choices and directions when it comes to magical practice, but not everything resonates?
- Would you like to create your own way of doing magic and feel empowered by it?
- Do you love and connect with nature and feel guided by the Elements?
Natalia's website https://nataliaclarke.com/
and on Moon Books https://www.johnhuntpublishing.com/moon-books/authors/natalia-clarke