A new fun chat show coming your way...

Join Rachel Patterson and Elen Sentier - two eccentric 'ole witches, as we 'shoot the wild witch breeze' - chatting about all sorts of different subjects.
The pre-recorded video will hit the Moon Books facebook page starting Thursday 5th November 2020 at 7pm.
A new chat video will arrive every two weeks after that on a Thursday.
The Moon Books facebook page can be found here https://www.facebook.com/MoonBooks
Elen Sentier - Best-selling author of British native shamanism, Elen also writes paranormal mystery-suspense novels. She’s a wilderness woman, born on Dartmoor and grew up on Exmoor in a family who had practiced the old British magic for hundreds of years. She’s a quirky, unconventional person with an intensely strong connection to nature, a wilderness woman deeply into ecology and the environment.
Rachel Patterson - Rachel is High Priestess of the Kitchen Witch Coven and an Elder at the online Kitchen Witch School of Witchcraft. A regular columnist with Fate & Fortune magazine, Pagan Dawn, The Magical Times and Witchcraft & Wicca. You will also find her ramblings on the Patheos Pagan, Witches & Pagans, and her own personal blog. Her craft is a combination of old religion Witchcraft, Wicca, wild witchcraft, kitchen witchery and folk magic.