Join myself and fellow Moon Books author Elen Sentier every other Thursday evening as we Shoot the Wild Witch Breeze.
Basically two mad ole bints rambling on about random things...there may be cabbage DNA, handsome gardeners and how to dispose of a body...
Catch us on the Moon Books fb page
Replays of previous chats can also be found on the Moon Books fb page (click the 'videos' tab).
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Elen Sentier - Best-selling author of British native shamanism, Elen also writes paranormal mystery-suspense novels. She’s a wilderness woman, born on Dartmoor and grew up on Exmoor in a family who had practiced the old British magic for hundreds of years. She’s a quirky, unconventional person with an intensely strong connection to nature, a wilderness woman deeply into ecology and the environment.
Rachel Patterson - Rachel is High Priestess of the Kitchen Witch Coven and an Elder at the online Kitchen Witch School of Witchcraft. A regular columnist with Fate & Fortune magazine, Pagan Dawn, The Magical Times and Witchcraft & Wicca. You will also find her ramblings on the Patheos Pagan, Witches & Pagans, and her own personal blog. Her craft is a combination of old religion Witchcraft, Wicca, wild witchcraft, kitchen witchery and folk magic.